Can You Take a Bath While on Your Period

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Showering during your period may exist alarming at starting time since you volition notice claret flowing out into the water on heavier flow days. Yet, information technology's safe and healthy to take showers every day while yous're on your period. There are some special strategies yous can use to preclude irritation, odour, and infections when yous shower on your menstruum. There are also some additional means of keeping your vagina make clean betwixt showers.

  1. ane

    Remove your pad, tampon, or cup before you lot shower. Information technology's fine to permit your vagina bleed in the shower. The claret will run correct down the drain. If y'all wore a pad, the brown or red tinged h2o that you see going downwards the drain will likely be sometime blood that was stuck to your pubic hairs. Information technology'southward important to rinse this off. Not cleaning off this former blood will cause an smell and it may as well increase your risk of infection.[1]

    • Don't worry about the claret staining the shower. It will not make contact with it long enough to do this. Just keep the water running until your shower is over and and so check to see if at that place's any blood that you lot demand to rinse downwards the bleed.
    • If you lot're showering at a gym or in another public identify, you lot may leave a tampon or menstrual cup in during the shower if you prefer.
  2. 2

    Shower or bathe at least one time per day during your period. Regular showers during your period are necessary to prevent odor and reduce your risk of infection. Take a shower or bath at least once per twenty-four hour period. Some medical professionals even recommend bathing twice daily during your period, such as in the morning and at night.[2]

    • Always brand certain that the bathtub is clean if you want to take a bath. Soaking in a dirty bathtub may pb to an infection in your vagina. Make clean your bathtub with a disinfectant cleaner, such equally bleach, before you take a bathroom in information technology.


  3. 3

    Use patently warm water to launder your vagina. Avert using whatsoever scented or harsh soaps or other intimate care products to cleanse your vagina. These are non necessary and they may crusade irritation. Plain, warm water is the best cleanser for your vagina.[iii]

    • If you want to apply lather, opt for a balmy, unscented lather and apply a small amount to gently clean the outside of your vagina.[4]

    Tip: If the sight of blood bothers you, don't look at it! Focus on a spot on the wall or ceiling of your shower instead.

  4. 4

    Rinse from front end to back to forestall infections. Rinsing from front to back, only equally yous would wipe after using the bath, is of import to forestall the spread of bacteria and fecal thing to your vagina. While continuing in the shower, let the water menses down the front of your body and over your vagina. If needed, you lot tin also spread apart the labia to let the h2o to flow over the inside of your vaginal lips.[5]

    • If you accept a handheld shower caput, only angle it so that it sprays your vagina from forepart to back. Don't rinse from back to front.
    • Avoid using a high-pressure level setting on your shower head. Keep the shower head on a low-pressure setting to gently rinse the vagina.
  5. 5

    Cleanse the outside of your vagina only. Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ, so there is no need to clean the inside of it. Doing so may disrupt your vagina's natural pH residuum, which tin result in an infection. Don't aim the flow of water inside of your vagina. But rinse the outer areas of your vagina.[6]

  6. 6

    Pat the outside of your vagina dry out with a make clean, dry towel. Subsequently you finish your shower, use a make clean, dry towel to gently pat the exterior of your vagina dry. Don't rub the skin around your vagina to dry it. Just pat information technology gently.

    • If you're bleeding heavily you may want to dry off the other parts of your trunk outset, and then dry your vagina last.
  7. seven

    Put on clean underwear and a new pad, tampon, or cup right away. Your menstruum won't terminate subsequently cleansing your vagina, only it may seem like the flow has slowed if you took a bath. This is likely due to the counter-force per unit area of the water.[7] Withal, yous will need to put on a fresh pair of underwear and a feminine hygiene production right away to grab the blood.


  1. 1

    Use pH counterbalanced vaginal wipes as needed during the day. Y'all can purchase special disposable cleansing wipes that are meant for your vagina. These are pH balanced to ensure that they won't cause irritation or promote an infection. Wipe the outer areas of your vagina with a wipe going from front to back.[eight]

    • If yous don't have any wipes, you could also use a washcloth with plain warm h2o to wipe your vagina. Then, rinse the cloth in warm water several times and place it with your muddied laundry.
    • Brand sure that the wipes are unscented. Perfumes can cause irritation.
    • These wipes are usually available in the feminine hygiene department in grocery and drug stores.
  2. 2

    Change your pad, tampon, or cup frequently to avert leaks and odor. Not changing your feminine hygiene product oft enough tin can consequence in leaks, which can stain your underwear and clothing and may also cause an scent. Cheque your pad, tampon, or cup every time y'all sue the restroom and change it as needed.

    Warning: Don't leave a tampon in for more than 8 hours. Leaving a tampon in for too long can pb to toxic stupor syndrome (TSS).[9]

  3. iii

    Avoid douches and feminine deodorants. These products can disrupt the pH residuum of your vagina, which may lead to an infection. It'southward normal for your vagina to have a slight olfactory property to information technology. However, if the odor is potent or if it bothers y'all, see a gynecologist.[ten]

    • A stiff, fishy odor can sometimes indicate an infection, such every bit bacterial vaginosis.
  4. 4

    Wash your hands before and subsequently changing feminine hygiene products. Dirty hands can introduce harmful bacteria into your vagina, so it's a proficient thought to wash them before you lot check your pad, tampon, or cup. Then, launder your hands after changing your feminine hygiene product to avoid spreading the leaner to other areas.[11]


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  • Alter your pad or tampon regularly. It will go on you feeling fresher and smelling meliorate.

  • Have a pad ready in your underwear for when you leave of the shower and get information technology right on, so you don't accept any accidents.

  • Use an former, night-colored towel or washcloth to dry the area, if it's messy.

  • Clothing breathable wear and natural fibers.

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  • Not showering during your period tin increase your risk of scent and infections. It's totally condom to shower during your period, so continue to shower daily.


Things You lot'll Demand

  • Plainly, warm h2o
  • Balmy, unscented soap (optional)
  • Make clean, dry towel
  • New pad, tampon, or loving cup
  • Make clean underwear

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Article Summary Ten

If yous recently started your menstruum, you may exist unsure about how to shower during that time of the calendar month. Outset by removing your pad, tampon, or cup before you get in the shower, if possible. It's totally fine if you bleed in the shower at home, since the blood volition run correct down the bleed. If yous're showering in public, like afterwards gym class, you can wear a tampon. Once you're in the shower, gently make clean the outside of your vagina with warm water and balmy, unscented soap. And so, rinse the outside thoroughly from front end to back so that y'all don't spread bacteria. You lot don't need to wash inside of your vagina or aim water directly into it, which can actually be harmful and cause irritation. When you're done, utilise a clean towel to pat the outside of your vagina dry. Be sure to shower at least once per day when you lot're on your period to stay healthy and feel fresh! For tips on cleaning your vagina in between showers during your catamenia, read on!

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