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Current atmospheric condition forecast for San Jose, CA
Population alter since 2000: +xiv.two%
Median resident age: | 37.4 years |
California median age: | 37.0 years |
Zip codes: 94089, 95002, 95013, 95050, 95054, 95110, 95111, 95112, 95113, 95116, 95118, 95119, 95120, 95121, 95122, 95123, 95126, 95129, 95130, 95131, 95134, 95135, 95136, 95138, 95139, 95140, 95148.
San Jose Zip Code MapSan Jose: | $115,893 |
CA: | $80,440 |
Estimated per capita income in 2019: $51,310 (it was $26,697 in 2000)
San Jose metropolis income, earnings, and wages data
Estimated median house or condo value in 2019: $999,900 (information technology was $375,500 in 2000)
San Jose: | $999,900 |
CA: | $568,500 |
Mean prices in 2019: all housing units: over $1,000,000; detached houses: over $1,000,000; townhouses or other attached units: $834,379; in 2-unit structures: $984,343; in 3-to-four-unit structures: $598,822; in 5-or-more-unit of measurement structures: $648,675; mobile homes: $210,870; occupied boats, rvs, vans, etc.: $53,074
Median gross rent in 2019: $two,223.
San Jose, CA residents, houses, and apartments details
(5.7% for White Non-Hispanic residents, sixteen.six% for Blackness residents, 7.v% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 13.8% for American Indian residents, 9.eight% for Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander residents, 9.0% for other race residents, viii.0% for ii or more races residents)
Detailed data about poverty and poor residents in San Jose, CA
Profiles of local businesses
Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses
- 383,895 37.six% Asian lonely
- 312,762 30.6% Hispanic
- 255,744 25.0% White alone
- 32,075 3.1% Two or more than races
- 28,181 2.8% Black alone
- 3,735 0.iv% Native Hawaiian and Other
Pacific Islander alone - iv,024 0.4% Other race solitary
- 1,370 0.1% American Indian lone
Races in San Jose detailed stats: ancestries, foreign born residents, place of nascency
Blazon | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Murders (per 100,000) | 29 (iii.ii) | 33 (3.5) | 31 (3.3) | 28 (two.9) | twenty (2.i) | 39 (4.1) | 45 (4.half-dozen) | 38 (3.viii) | 32 (3.2) | 30 (2.9) | 47 (4.5) | 32 (3.one) | 28 (2.seven) | 32 (3.1) |
Rapes (per 100,000) | 217 (23.six) | 217 (23.2) | 220 (23.3) | 258 (27.0) | 253 (26.i) | 226 (23.6) | 280 (28.7) | 270 (27.2) | 306 (30.three) | 375 (36.4) | 451 (43.3) | 571 (55.0) | 615 (58.7) | 671 (64.5) |
Robberies (per 100,000) | 1,030 (111.9) | 1,068 (114.iii) | 1,124 (118.9) | 1,025 (107.4) | 976 (100.6) | one,101 (115.0) | ane,208 (123.7) | 1,095 (110.4) | ane,072 (106.2) | 1,140 (110.5) | i,214 (116.5) | 1,376 (132.6) | 1,593 (152.1) | 1,339 (128.seven) |
Assaults (per 100,000) | 2,285 (248.ii) | ii,441 (261.2) | 2,268 (239.9) | 2,128 (223.1) | one,966 (202.6) | one,840 (192.3) | ii,014 (206.iii) | ane,812 (182.6) | 1,832 (181.4) | 1,855 (179.8) | 2,175 (208.8) | 2,209 (212.9) | 2,208 (210.8) | 2,517 (242.0) |
Burglaries (per 100,000) | four,423 (480.5) | 4,449 (476.1) | 3,457 (365.7) | three,741 (392.1) | 3,940 (406.ane) | 4,223 (441.2) | five,206 (533.2) | v,173 (521.iv) | 5,167 (511.7) | four,896 (474.vii) | 4,260 (408.9) | 3,926 (378.4) | four,539 (433.four) | four,114 (395.half-dozen) |
Thefts (per 100,000) | 12,678 (one,377) | 13,200 (1,412) | 13,612 (1,440) | xiii,635 (1,429) | 12,730 (ane,312) | 12,628 (1,319) | fourteen,498 (1,485) | 12,411 (one,251) | 11,850 (1,174) | 13,138 (1,274) | 12,786 (1,227) | 13,329 (i,285) | 13,510 (1,290) | 14,924 (one,435) |
Auto thefts (per 100,000) | 7,139 (775.5) | 6,413 (686.two) | 5,229 (553.2) | 5,379 (563.8) | 5,411 (557.seven) | five,121 (535.one) | eight,759 (897.0) | 7,926 (798.9) | seven,560 (748.8) | 7,001 (678.seven) | 7,703 (739.4) | 8,068 (777.half dozen) | 7,704 (735.6) | six,126 (589.0) |
Arson (per 100,000) | 437 (47.5) | 339 (36.3) | 288 (30.5) | 243 (25.5) | 181 (18.vii) | 165 (17.2) | 176 (18.0) | 133 (13.4) | 123 (12.two) | 93 (nine.0) | 137 (13.1) | 173 (16.seven) | 121 (11.six) | 135 (13.0) |
Metropolis-Data.com crime index | 259.one | 256.9 | 236.3 | 234.ane | 221.ii | 226.5 | 279.0 | 249.5 | 241.iv | 242.5 | 257.ii | 272.6 | 280.9 | 277.0 |
The City-Information.com law-breaking index weighs serious crimes and violent crimes more heavily. College means more law-breaking, U.Due south. average is 270.6. Information technology adjusts for the number of visitors and daily workers commuting into cities.
- means the value is well-nigh the same as the state average.
- ways the value is bigger than the state average.
- ways the value is much bigger than the country boilerplate.
Criminal offence rate in San Jose detailed stats: murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, arson
Full-time police force enforcement employees in 2019, including police force officers: 1,607 (1,150 officers).
Officers per 1,000 residents hither: | 1.11 |
California average: | 2.01 |
Latest news from San Jose, CA nerveless exclusively by city-information.com from local newspapers, Idiot box, and radio stations
Ancestries: European (1.eight%), German (one.six%), Italian (i.6%), American (1.4%), Irish gaelic (1.1%), Iranian (1.one%).
Current Local Fourth dimension: PST fourth dimension zone
Peak: 87 feet
Land area: 174.nine square miles.
Population density: 5,843 people per square mile (boilerplate).

416,963 residents are foreign born (17.8% Asia, 10.9% Latin America).
This city: | twoscore.6% |
California: | 26.8% |
Median existent estate belongings taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2019: $8,729 (0.8%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2019: $iv,975 (0.v%)
Nearest city with popular. 1,000,000+: Los Angeles, CA (296.eight miles
, popular. iii,694,820).
Nearest cities:
Latitude: 37.30 North, Longitude: 121.87 Due west
Daytime population alter due to commuting: -79,451 (-7.8%)
Workers who alive and piece of work in this city: 255,836 (48.6%)
Area code commonly used in this area: 408

San Jose tourist attractions:
- Alum Rock Park - San Jose, California - Amidst California'south Oldest Municipal Parks
- Children's Discovery Museum - San Jose, California - Place to Crank, Prod, Examination, Listen, and Tinker
- Hotel De Anza - San Jose, California - Executive-style Accommodations Downtown
- Eastridge Shopping Center - San Jose, California - Shopping Mall
- Happy Hollow Park and Zoo in San Jose, California
- Iv Points by Sheraton (Hotel Montgomery) - San Jose, California Historic Downtown Boutique Hotel
- Hotel Valencia Santana Row - San Jose, California - Archetype Still Modern Luxury Lodgings
- HP Pavilion at San Jose San Jose, California
- Japantown - San Jose, California - Historic Enclave for All Things Japanese
- Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Downtown
- Doubletree Hotel San Jose
- Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph
- Almaden Quicksilver County Park
- American Firearms Museum
- Cinnabar Hills Golf Lodge
- History Museum of San Jose
- Coyote Creek Parkway
- Lake Cunningham Park
- Mexican Heritage Plaza
- Los Gatos Creek Trail
- New Almaden Quicksilver Mine
- New Almaden Mercury Mining Museum
- Kelley Park
- Guadalupe River Park
- Bay Area Drinking glass Found
- HP Pavilion
- Ira F. Brilliant Centre for Beethoven Studies
- J. Lohr Winery
- Japanese American Resource Centre/Museum
- Japanese Friendship Garden
- Japantown Farmers' Market place
- San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
- San Jose McEnry Convention Center
- San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles
- San Jose Repertory Theater
- Sawyer Camp Trail
- San Jose Betsuin Buddhist Church
- San Jose Center for the Performing Arts
- San Jose Children'southward Musical Theater
- San Jose Civic Auditorium
- San Jose Flea Market
- San Jose Improv
- Peralta Adobe and Fallon Firm Historic Site
- Petroglyph
- Plaza de Cesar Chavez Park
- Pebble Beach
- Overfelt Gardens
- Winchester Mystery Firm
- Raging Waters
- Winchester Mystery House
- South Bay
- Saint James Park
- San Jose Marriott
- The Fairmont San Jose
- Crowne Plaza San Jose Downtown
- Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - San Jose, California - Huge Collection of Aboriginal Artifacts on Display
- Norman Y Mineta San Josy International Airport - San Josy CA San Josy Flights Airdrome
- San Jose Museum of Art - San Jose, California - Leading the Style in Mod and Contemporary Art
- Tech Museum of Innovation (The Tech) - San Jose, California - Silicon Valley's Showcase of Technology
San Jose, California accommodation & food services, waste product management - Economy and Business organization Data
Population change in the 1990s: +111,581 (+14.2%).
Both Males Females
- Professional, scientific, technical services (xv.i%)
- Health care (9.0%)
- Computer & electronic products (eight.4%)
- Educational services (7.six%)
- Accommodation & nutrient services (7.0%)
- Construction (6.4%)
- Administrative & support & waste direction services (4.7%)
Both Males Females
- Computer specialists (9.6%)
- Other management occupations, except farmers and subcontract managers (seven.3%)
- Engineers (v.iv%)
- Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (3.5%)
- Nursing, psychiatric, and abode health aides (2.7%)
- Laborers and material movers, hand (2.i%)
- Cashiers (two.0%)
Average climate in San Jose, California
Based on data reported by over 4,000 conditions stations

(lower is amend)
AQI CO NO2 And then2 Ozone PMtwo.5 Pb
Air Quality Alphabetize (AQI) level in 2018 was 94.0. This is worse than average.
Convulsion action:
San Jose-area historical convulsion activity is significantly above California state boilerplate. It is 7685% greater than the overall U.S. boilerplate. On iv/18/1906 at 13:12:21, a magnitude 7.ix (7.9 Britain, Course: Major, Intensity: Viii - XII) convulsion occurred 78.3 miles away from the city center, causing $524,000,000 total impairment
On 10/eighteen/1989 at 00:04:15, a magnitude 7.one (6.5 MB, vii.1 MS, half-dozen.9 MW, 7.0 ML) earthquake occurred 14.6 miles abroad from San Jose centre, causing 62 deaths (62 shaking deaths) and 3757 injuries, causing $i,305,032,704 total damage
On xi/4/1927 at 13:51:53, a magnitude 7.five (7.5 UK) earthquake occurred 171.8 miles away from the city centre
On 7/21/1952 at 11:52:14, a magnitude 7.vii (7.7 UK) earthquake occurred 226.1 miles away from the city center, causing $50,000,000 total damage
On 1/31/1922 at 13:17:28, a magnitude vii.6 (7.6 Uk) convulsion occurred 307.0 miles away from the city center
On 12/21/1932 at 06:ten:09, a magnitude 7.2 (seven.2 Great britain) convulsion occurred 222.9 miles away from the city centre
Magnitude types: body-moving ridge magnitude (MB), local magnitude (ML), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)
Natural disasters:
The number of natural disasters in Santa Clara County (19) is greater than the US boilerplate (15).Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: x
Emergencies Declared: 3
Causes of natural disasters: Floods: 9, Fires: five, Winter Storms: 5, Storms: 4, Mudslides: 3, Landslides: two, Drought: 1, Convulsion: 1, Freeze: i, Hurricane: 1, Tornado: ane, Other: i (Note: some incidents may be assigned to more than ane category).

Hospitals in San Jose:
- ARAM HOUSE (2492 ARAM Avenue)
- Proficient SAMARITAN Infirmary (Proprietary, provides emergency services, 2425 SAMARITAN Bulldoze)
- KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITAL-SAN JOSE (Voluntary non-profit - Individual, 250 Hospital PARKWAY)
- TUPAZ Domicile #xi (1850 POTRERO Artery)
- TUPAZ HOME #7 (308 MARTI Fashion)
- TUPAZ Habitation #nine (1602 ORCHARD VIEW DRIVE)
Airports and heliports located in San Jose:
- Norman Y Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC) ( Runways: 2, Commercial Ops: 88,189, Air Taxi Ops: 23,027, Itinerant Ops: 26,255, Local Ops: 4,547, Military Ops: 192)
- Reid-Hillview Of Santa Clara County Airport (RHV) ( Runways: 2, Afoot Ops: 42,191, Local Ops: 67,555)
- County Medical Center Heliport (CA33)
- Regional Medical Centre San Jose H2 Heliport (88CA)
Amtrak station:
SAN JOSE (65 CAHILL ST.) . Services: ticket role, fully wheelchair attainable, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, paid short-term parking, gratuitous long-term parking, taxi stand, public transit connection.
Colleges/Universities in San Jose:
- San Jose State University (Full-time enrollment: 23,357; Location: one Washington Sq; Public; Website: www.sjsu.edu; Offers Master'southward degree)
- Evergreen Valley College (Total-time enrollment: v,539; Location: 3095 Yerba Buena Rd; Public; Website: www.evc.edu)
- San Jose City Higher (Total-time enrollment: 5,526; Location: 2100 Moorpark Ave; Public; Website: www.sjcc.edu)
- University of Phoenix-Bay Area Campus (Full-time enrollment: 1,418; Location: 3590 N First St; Private, for-turn a profit; Website: world wide web.phoenix.edu; Offers Master's degree)
- Carrington College California-San Jose (Full-fourth dimension enrollment: 799; Location: 6201 San Ignacio Ave.; Private, for-profit; Website: www.carrington.edu)
- International Technological University (Full-time enrollment: 761; Location: 355 W. San Fernando St.; Individual, not-for-profit; Website: itu.edu; Offers Doctor's degree)
- The National Hispanic University (Total-time enrollment: 587; Location: 14271 Story Rd; Private, for-profit; Website: www.nhu.edu; Offers Main's degree)
- CET-Sobrato (Full-time enrollment: 481; Location: 701 Vine St; Private, not-for-profit; Website: cetweb.org)
- Everest Higher-San Jose (Full-time enrollment: 378; Location: 1245 South Winchester Blvd #102; Individual, for-profit; Website: www.bryman.edu)
- WestMed College (Full-time enrollment: 358; Location: 3031 Tisch Way, 1st Floor, Ste 3PW; Private, not-for-profit; Website: www.westmedcollege.edu)
- BioHealth College (Total-fourth dimension enrollment: 341; Location: 2665 N Get-go St Ste 102; Private, for-profit; Website: www.biohealthcollege.edu)
- San Jose-Evergreen Community College District (Location: 4750 San Felipe Rd; Public; Website: www.sjeccd.edu)
Other colleges/universities with over 2000 students near San Jose:
- Santa Clara University (about 5 miles; Santa Clara, CA; Full-time enrollment: 7,640)
- West Valley College (about 9 miles; Saratoga, CA; FT enrollment: 6,128)
- Mission College (about 9 miles; Santa Clara, CA; FT enrollment: 5,625)
- De Anza College (near 10 miles; Cupertino, CA; FT enrollment: sixteen,729)
- Wyotech-Fremont (near 12 miles; Fremont, CA; FT enrollment: 2,383)
- Foothill Higher (virtually fifteen miles; Los Altos Hills, CA; FT enrollment: nine,635)
- Ohlone College (about xvi miles; Fremont, CA; FT enrollment: 6,153)
Biggest public high schools in San Jose:
- INDEPENDENCE Loftier (Students: two,259, Location: 1776 EDAL PARK DR., Grades: 9-12)
- EVERGREEN VALLEY HIGH (Students: ane,947, Location: 3300 QUIMBY RD., Grades: 9-12)
- SILVER CREEK HIGH (Students: ane,693, Location: 3434 SILVER CREEK RD., Grades: 9-12)
- SANTA TERESA High (Students: 1,688, Location: 6150 SNELL RD., Grades: 9-12)
- OAK GROVE High (Students: 1,594, Location: 285 BLOSSOM Loma RD., Grades: nine-12)
- PIEDMONT HILLS HIGH (Students: ane,583, Location: 1377 PIEDMONT RD., Grades: 9-12)
- ANDREW P. Colina High (Students: 1,579, Location: 3200 SENTER RD., Grades: ix-12)
- LELAND High (Students: 1,354, Location: 6677 CAMDEN AVE., Grades: 9-12)
- LYNBROOK High (Students: 1,348, Location: 1280 JOHNSON AVE., Grades: 9-12)
- MOUNT PLEASANT HIGH (Students: ane,192, Location: 1750 Southward. WHITE RD., Grades: 9-12)
Biggest private high schools in San Jose:
- THE HARKER Schoolhouse (Students: one,705, Location: 500 SARATOGA AVE, Grades: KG-12)
- BELLARMINE COLLEGE PREP SCHOOL (Students: 1,613, Location: 960 West HEDDING ST, Grades: nine-12, Boys simply)
- VALLEY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL (Students: one,319, Location: 100 SKYWAY DR STE 100, Grades: 9-12)
- PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL (Students: 750, Location: 2281 PLUMMER AVE, Grades: ix-12, Girls simply)
- NOTRE DAME High SCHOOL (Students: 630, Location: 596 S 2ND ST, Grades: 9-12, Girls but)
- SAN-IKU GAKUIN (Students: 303, Location: 4250 LATIMER AVE, Grades: KG-9)
- EAST VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (Students: 263, Location: 2715 S WHITE RD, Grades: KG-11)
- ST THOMAS More than SCHOOL (Students: 200, Location: 1565 S WHITE RD, Grades: KG-12)
- LEGACY CHRISTIAN School (Students: 169, Location: 420 ALLEGAN CIR, Grades: PK-nine)
- CHAMPION SCHOOL (Students: 141, Location: 4660 EASTUS DR, Grades: PK-xi)
Biggest public elementary/middle schools in San Jose:
- CASTILLERO Middle (Students: ane,244, Location: 6384 LEYLAND PARK DR., Grades: 6-8)
- JOAQUIN MILLER MIDDLE (Students: 1,206, Location: 6151 RAINBOW DR., Grades: 6-8)
- BRET HARTE MIDDLE (Students: 1,170, Location: 7050 BRET HARTE DR., Grades: 6-8)
- WILLOW GLEN MIDDLE (Students: i,129, Location: 2105 COTTLE AVE., Grades: six-8)
- JOHN MUIR MIDDLE (Students: i,042, Location: 1260 BRANHAM LN., Grades: 6-eight)
- CHABOYA MIDDLE (Students: ane,022, Location: 3276 CORTONA DR., Grades: 7-viii)
- QUIMBY OAK Centre (Students: i,015, Location: 3190 QUIMBY RD., Grades: 7-8)
- HERBERT HOOVER MIDDLE (Students: 994, Location: 1635 PARK AVE., Grades: half-dozen-eight)
- PRICE CHARTER MIDDLE (Students: 963, Location: 2650 NEW JERSEY AVE., Grades: half-dozen-8, Charter schoolhouse)
- SIERRAMONT Heart (Students: 951, Location: 3155 KIMLEE DR., Grades: 6-8)
Biggest private elementary/middle schools in San Jose:
- ST FRANCES CABRINI SCHOOL (Students: 624, Location: 15325 WOODARD RD, Grades: PK-eight)
- ST CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL (Students: 615, Location: 2278 BOOKSIN AVE, Grades: KG-8)
- HOLY SPIRIT School (Students: 572, Location: 1198 REDMOND AVE, Grades: PK-8)
- VALLEY CHRISTIAN Inferior HIGH (Students: 529, Location: 100 SKYWAY DR STE 130, Grades: 6-8)
- ST JOHN VIANNEY Simple SCHOOL (Students: 512, Location: 4601 HYLAND AVE, Grades: KG-viii)
- HOLY FAMILY Schoolhouse (Students: 455, Location: 4850 PEARL AVE, Grades: PK-8)
- VALLEY CHRISTIAN Unproblematic School (Students: 429, Location: 1450 LEIGH AVE, Grades: KG-5)
- ALMADEN COUNTRY SCHOOL (Students: 418, Location: 6835 TRINIDAD DR, Grades: PK-8)
- MILPITAS CHRISTIAN School (Students: 403, Location: 3435 BIRCHWOOD LN, Grades: KG-8)
- STRATFORD SCHOOL - SAN JOSE (Students: 381, Location: 6670 SAN ANSELMO Manner, Grades: PK-5)
Library in San Jose:
- SAN JOSE PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $39,018,217; Location: 150 East SAN FERNANDO STREET; 1,721,640 books; 2,152 e-books; 150,844 audio materials; 286,381 video materials; seven local licensed databases; 1 state licensed databases; 29 other licensed databases; two,205 print serial subscriptions; 36 electronic series subscriptions)
User-submitted facts and corrections:
- Calvary Chapel CSN International Radio is at 88.1MHz for San Jose and the S Bay Surface area.
- cipher code 95130 is likewise part of San Jose .... Cheers .. added past Swaraj
Points of interest:
Click to depict/articulate urban center borders
Notable locations in San Jose: Almaden Country Social club (A), Washington Foursquare (B), Stile Ranch (C), Capitol Drive-In (D), Zanker Road Landfill (E), Milpitas Landfill (F), Riverside Golf Class (Chiliad), San Jose Municipal Golf game Course (H), Richmond Ranch (I), Evergreen Ranch (J), Berryessa Siding (K), San Jose Speedway (L), San Jose-Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant (Thou), Pleasant Hills Golf game Course (N), Rosicrucian Museum and Planetarium (O), Washington Foursquare Hall (P), Washburn Hall (Q), Wahlquist Library (R), Wahlquist Hall (Due south), Tower Hall (T). Display/hide their locations on the map
Shopping Centers: Sunrise Plaza Shopping Center (1), Santa Teresa Hamlet Shopping Eye (two), Santa Teresa Square Shopping Center (3), Princeton Plaza Mall Shopping Centre (4), Plaza de Santa Teresa Shopping Center (5), Pioneers Shopping Centre (6), Hillview Plaza Shopping Centre (7), Avanti Shopping Center (eight), Almaden Via Valiente Plaza Shopping Center (ix). Display/hide their locations on the map
Main business organization accost in San Jose include: VeriFone Holdings, Inc. (A), CALPINE CORP (B), CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR CORP /DE/ (C), BROCADE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS INC (D), SELECTICA INC (E), Bong MICROPRODUCTS INC (F), ATMEL CORP (G), AGILE SOFTWARE CORP (H). Brandish/hide their locations on the map
Churches in San Jose include: Star of the Sea Church (A), Divine Honey Christian Fellowship Church (B), North Valley Christian Church (C), Berryessa Baptist Fellowship Church building (D), Berryessa Evangelical Free Church building (East), Christ the Life Lutheran Church (F), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Mean solar day Saints (1000), Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses (H), Korean Presbyterian Church building (I). Brandish/hibernate their locations on the map
Cemeteries: Oak Hill Memorial Park (1), Calvary Cemetery (2), Los Gatos Cemetery (three). Display/hide their locations on the map
Lakes and reservoirs: Lone Lake (A), Turnbull Learning Academy (B), Tule Lake (C), Cherry Flat Reservoir (D), Calero Reservoir (E), Los Alamitos Percolation Ponds (F). Display/hibernate their locations on the map
Streams, rivers, and creeks: Calabazas Creek (A), Crosley Creek (B), Dry Creek (C), Flint Creek (D), Fowler Creek (E), Hoover Creek (F), Las Animas Creek (Yard), Los Gatos Creek (H), Miguelita Creek (I). Brandish/hide their locations on the map
Parks in San Jose include: Alum Stone Park (ane), Mission Santa Clara De Asis Historical Monument (2), Backesto Park (3), Santana Park (4), Mise Park (5), Gullo Park (6), Municipal Rose Garden (seven), Murdock Park (viii), Saratoga Creek Park (9). Display/hide their locations on the map
Tourist attractions: Children'southward Discovery Museum of San Jose (Cultural Attractions- Events- & Facilities; 180 Woz Way) (1), A-1 Amusement Games (Amusement & Theme Parks; 210 San Jose Avenue Suite 27) (2), Neb Morgan Amusement CO (Amusement & Theme Parks; 50 South Montgomery Street) (iii), Acme Vending Inc & Central Music (Amusement & Theme Parks; 1777 Smith Avenue) (4), Butler Amusements (1519 Padres Courtroom) (5), Capitol Flea Market (3630 Hillcap Artery) (half-dozen), BigPromotions.Com (Arcades & Amusements; 693 East. Brokaw Road) (seven), Bayareamallonline (Arcades & Amusements; 1800 Brokaw) (8), Affairs Northward Elegance Limousines And Sedanes (Tours & Charters; 920 Park Ave) (9). Display/hide their judge locations on the map
Hotels: Atrium Gardens (1536 Kerley Drive) (one), All-time Western Drome Plaza (2118 The Alameda) (two), Best Western Inn Airport Plaza (2118 The Alameda) (three), Arena Hotel (817 The Alameda) (4), Adlon Hotel (1275 North 4th Street) (5), Aconda Hotel (141 Westward Santa Clara Street) (six), All-time Western San Jose Lodge (1440 Due north First Street) (7), Best Western Lanai Garden Inn (1575 Tully Route) (8), Hilton San Jose & Towers (300 Almaden Blvd) (9). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map
Birthplace of: Bob Meusel - Baseball player, Drew Gordon - Basketball player, Greg Legg - Baseball game actor, Kate Walsh (actress) - Actress, Steve Wozniak - Co-founder of Apple tree Inc., Jhonen Vasquez - Cartoonist and music video director, Farley Granger - Actor, Rick Warren - Christian religious leader, Ricco Rodriguez - Martial artist, William A. Spinks - Carom billiards player.
Drinking water stations with addresses in San Jose and their reported violations in the past:
CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE-S SAN FRANCISCO (Population served: 56,110, Purch surface water):Past monitoring violations:CALIFORNIA Water SERVICE CO.-LANCASTER (Population served: 1,878, Groundwater):
- Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - In JUN-2013, Contaminant: E. COLI. Follow-upwardly actions: St Compliance achieved (AUG-xix-2013), St AO (w/o penalty) issued (AUG-20-2013)
By monitoring violations:CEDAR GROVE MOBILE HOME PARK (Serves TX, Population served: 531, Purch surface water):
- Monitoring, Routine (IDSE) - Betwixt January-2014 and MAR-2014, Contaminant: Full Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). Follow-up deportment: St AO (w/o penalization) issued (JUN-24-2014)
- Monitoring, Routine (IDSE) - Between Jan-2014 and MAR-2014, Contaminant: TTHM. Follow-upwardly actions: St AO (westward/o penalty) issued (JUN-24-2014)
By health violations:SAN JOSE Family Army camp (Population served: 200, Groundwater):Past monitoring violations:
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In NOV-2010, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-upwardly actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (DEC-08-2010), St Public Notif requested (DEC-08-2010), St Formal November issued (APR-05-2011), St Compliance achieved (JUN-01-2011), St AO (due west/penalty) issued (Nov-03-2011)
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In SEP-2010, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (October-04-2010), St Violation/Reminder Observe (OCT-04-2010), St Public Notif received (October-04-2010), St Compliance achieved (Apr-01-2011), St Formal November issued (APR-05-2011), St AO (w/penalisation) issued (November-03-2011)
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In AUG-2010, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-upward actions: St Public Notif received (SEP-xiii-2010), St Violation/Reminder Notice (SEP-17-2010), St Public Notif requested (SEP-17-2010), St Compliance achieved (MAR-01-2011), St Formal Nov issued (April-05-2011), St AO (w/penalisation) issued (NOV-03-2011)
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In JUL-2010, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Find (JUL-21-2010), St Public Notif requested (JUL-21-2010), St Compliance achieved (Feb-01-2011), St Formal Nov issued (April-05-2011), St AO (w/penalisation) issued (NOV-03-2011)
- Atomic number 82 Consumer Notice - In SEP-29-2013, Contaminant: Lead and Copper Dominion
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2013 and MAR-2013, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-upward actions: St Formal November issued (JUL-31-2013), St Compliance accomplished (DEC-09-2013), St AO (due west/penalty) issued (MAR-09-2014)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between OCT-2012 and December-2012, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-upwardly actions: St Formal Nov issued (JUL-31-2013), St Compliance achieved (DEC-09-2013), St AO (w/penalisation) issued (MAR-09-2014)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Betwixt JUL-2012 and SEP-2012, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-upward actions: St Formal NOV issued (JUL-31-2013), St Compliance accomplished (December-09-2013), St AO (westward/punishment) issued (MAR-09-2014)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between APR-2012 and JUN-2012, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-up actions: St Formal NOV issued (JUL-31-2013), St Compliance achieved (December-09-2013), St AO (w/penalty) issued (MAR-09-2014)
- One small-scale monitoring violation
- 11 other older monitoring violations
Past monitoring violations:CARIBOU MOBILE PARK PWS (Population served: 180, Groundwater):
- Monitoring, Repeat Major (TCR) - In November-2005, Contaminant: Coliform (TCR). Follow-upwards actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-08-2005), St Other (NOV-22-2005), St Formal NOV issued (December-28-2005)
By wellness violations:Male monarch Shell (Serves TX, Population served: 175, Groundwater):
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In AUG-2006, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-01-2006)
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In AUG-2006, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-upwards actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-01-2006)
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In JUL-2006, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-upwardly actions: St Public Notif requested (JUL-01-2006)
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In JUL-2006, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (JUL-01-2006)
Past health violations:Hidden FALLS Daughter SCOUT Campsite (Population served: 150, Surface water):By monitoring violations:
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In JAN-2011, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up deportment: St Compliance achieved (MAR-01-2011), St Public Notif requested (MAR-01-2011), St Violation/Reminder Notice (MAR-01-2011), St Public Notif received (MAR-17-2011)
- Initial Tap Sampling for Pb and Cu - In JUN-12-2013, Contaminant: Lead and Copper Rule
- Initial Tap Sampling for Lead and Cu - In JAN-01-2013, Contaminant: Atomic number 82 and Copper Rule. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (FEB-19-2013), St Violation/Reminder Notice (FEB-19-2013), St Public Notif received (Apr-22-2013)
- two routine major monitoring violations
Past monitoring violations:SKYLARK RANCH GIRL SCOUT CAMP (Population served: 99, Groundwater):
- Monitoring, Repeat Major (TCR) - In JUN-2007, Contaminant: Coliform (TCR). Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Detect (AUG-08-2007), St Public Notif requested (AUG-08-2007)
- Monitoring, Repeat Major (TCR) - In JUN-2007, Contaminant: Coliform (TCR). Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (AUG-08-2007), St Public Notif requested (AUG-08-2007)
- 3 routine major monitoring violations
Past monitoring violations:
- xiv routine major monitoring violations
Drinking water stations with addresses in San Jose that have no violations reported:
- CALIFORNIA Water SERVICE - STOCKTON (Population served: 185,346, Primary H2o Source Blazon: Purch surface water)
- CALIFORNIA H2o SERVICE CO. - ELA F (Population served: 149,882, Main Water Source Type: Purch surface h2o)
- CALIFORNIA Water SERVICE CO. - DOMINGUEZ (Population served: 144,052, Primary H2o Source Type: Purch surface h2o)
- CALIFORNIA H2o SERVICE CO. - HERM/REDO (Population served: 95,338, Primary Water Source Blazon: Purch surface water)
- CALIFORNIA H2o SERVICE - SAN MATEO (Population served: 93,373, Primary Water Source Blazon: Purch surface h2o)
- CALIFORNIA Water SERVICE CO. - PALOS VER (Population served: 69,762, Primary Water Source Type: Purch surface water)
- CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE - BEAR GULCH (Population served: 66,470, Main Water Source Type: Surface h2o)
- CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE - SAN CARLOS (Population served: 29,720, Primary H2o Source Type: Purch surface water)
- CALIFORNIA H2o SERVICE CO - WESTLAKE (Population served: 19,436, Primary Water Source Type: Purch surface h2o)
- CALIFORNIA H2o SERVICE CO. - DIXON (Population served: ix,278, Primary Water Source Type: Groundwater)
Boilerplate household size:
This city: | 3.i people |
California: | 2.9 people |
Percentage of family households:
This city: | 72.8% |
Whole country: | 68.vii% |
Percent of households with single partners:
This urban center: | 6.iv% |
Whole state: | 7.2% |
Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex single-partner households)
- Lesbian couples: 0.4% of all households
- Gay men: 0.four% of all households
People in grouping quarters in San Jose in 2010:
- 3,369 people in higher/academy student housing
- two,190 people in nursing facilities/skilled-nursing facilities
- 1,694 people in group homes intended for adults
- ane,450 people in other noninstitutional facilities
- 1,430 people in local jails and other municipal confinement facilities
- 1,356 people in emergency and transitional shelters (with sleeping facilities) for people experiencing homelessness
- 1,051 people in workers' grouping living quarters and job corps centers
- 622 people in residential handling centers for adults
- 120 people in group homes for juveniles (non-correctional)
- 21 people in correctional residential facilities
- x people in in-patient hospice facilities
- half-dozen people in residential handling centers for juveniles (non-correctional)
- three people in hospitals with patients who have no usual home elsewhere
People in group quarters in San Jose in 2000:
- 2,294 people in college dormitories (includes college quarters off campus)
- 2,242 people in other noninstitutional grouping quarters
- 2,106 people in nursing homes
- one,106 people in local jails and other confinement facilities (including police lockups)
- 681 people in other nonhousehold living situations
- 479 people in homes for the mentally ill
- 384 people in other grouping homes
- 331 people in short-term care, detention or diagnostic centers for delinquent children
- 326 people in homes or halfway houses for drug/alcohol corruption
- 314 people in job corps and vocational training facilities
- 175 people in religious group quarters
- 117 people in homes for the mentally retarded
- 78 people in other types of correctional institutions
- 70 people in halfway houses
- 48 people in hospitals/wards and hospices for chronically ill
- 44 people in mental (psychiatric) hospitals or wards
- 39 people in other hospitals or wards for chronically ill
- 39 people in unknown juvenile institutions
- 19 people in schools, hospitals, or wards for the intellectually disabled
- 9 people in hospices or homes for chronically ill
- half-dozen people in homes for the physically handicapped
- 5 people in homes for abused, dependent, and neglected children
Arenas or stadiums:
- HP Pavilion. San Jose Sharks (NHL), San Jose Sabercats (AFL), San Jose Stealth (NLL).
- The Event Heart Arena. San José Country University.
Banks with nigh branches in San Jose (2011 data):
- JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association: 26 branches. Info updated 2011/11/10: Banking company assets: $1,811,678.0 mil, Deposits: $1,190,738.0 mil, headquarters in Columbus, OH, positive income, International Specialization, 5577 full offices , Belongings Visitor: Jpmorgan Chase & Co.
- Wells Fargo Bank, National Clan: 26 branches. Info updated 2011/04/05: Bank assets: $i,161,490.0 mil, Deposits: $905,653.0 mil, headquarters in Sioux Falls, SD, positive income , 6395 full offices , Property Visitor: Wells Fargo & Visitor
- Bank of America, National Clan: 25 branches. Info updated 2009/11/xviii: Depository financial institution assets: $1,451,969.3 mil, Deposits: $1,077,176.8 mil, headquarters in Charlotte, NC, positive income , 5782 full offices , Holding Company: Bank Of America Corporation
- Bank of the W: 12 branches. Info updated 2009/11/16: Bank avails: $62,408.3 mil, Deposits: $43,995.2 mil, headquarters in San Francisco, CA, positive income , 647 total offices , Property Company: Bnp Paribas
- U.S. Bank National Association: 10 branches. Info updated 2012/01/xxx: Depository financial institution assets: $330,470.8 mil, Deposits: $236,091.v mil, headquarters in Cincinnati, OH, positive income , 3121 total offices , Holding Company: U.Southward. Bancorp
- Citibank, National Association: ix branches. Info updated 2012/01/10: Bank assets: $1,288,658.0 mil, Deposits: $882,541.0 mil, headquarters in Sioux Falls, SD, positive income, International Specialization, 1048 total offices , Holding Visitor: Citigroup Inc.
- Union Bank, National Association: 8 branches. Info updated 2011/09/01: Banking company assets: $88,967.5 mil, Deposits: $65,286.4 mil, headquarters in San Francisco, CA, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 403 full offices , Belongings Company: Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc.
- Comerica Depository financial institution: Winchester Branch, San Jose Aerodrome Regional Branch, San Jose Main, Silver Creek Co-operative, Willow Glen Co-operative, Almaden Valley Co-operative. Info updated 2011/07/29: Depository financial institution assets: $60,970.5 mil, Deposits: $48,300.9 mil, headquarters in Dallas, TX, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 497 total offices , Property Visitor: Comerica Incorporated
- E West Depository financial institution: San Jose Lundy Branch, San Jose Co-operative, San Jose Tully Road Branch, San Jose Story Co-operative. Info updated 2010/06/14: Banking concern assets: $21,962.iv mil, Deposits: $17,501.8 mil, headquarters in Pasadena, CA, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 131 total offices , Holding Company: East West Bancorp, Inc.
- 16 other banks with 19 local branches
For population 15 years and over in San Jose:
- Never married: 35.eight%
- Now married: fifty.iii%
- Separated: 1.v%
- Widowed: iv.1%
- Divorced: 8.2%
For population 25 years and over in San Jose:
- Loftier schoolhouse or higher: 85.4%
- Available's degree or higher: 45.0%
- Graduate or professional degree: 19.two%
- Unemployed: 3.0%
- Hateful travel time to work (commute): 30.three minutes
Educational activity Gini index (Inequality in pedagogy)
Here: | 15.2 |
California average: | fourteen.nine |
Graphs stand for county-level data. Detailed 2008 Ballot Results
Political contributions by individuals in San Jose, CA
Religion statistics for San Jose, CA (based on Santa Clara County information)
Religion | Adherents | Congregations |
Catholic | 447,369 | 56 |
Evangelical Protestant | 148,599 | 481 |
Other | 125,165 | 221 |
Mainline Protestant | 44,623 | 132 |
Orthodox | 7,720 | 17 |
Black Protestant | 2,552 | 20 |
None | 1,005,614 | - |
Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 U.South.Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Clan of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the Us 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Inquiry Center. Graphs represent county-level data
Food Surroundings Statistics:
Number of grocery stores: 345
Santa Clara Canton: | 1.99 / 10,000 pop. |
California: | 2.14 / ten,000 pop. |
Number of supercenters and social club stores: seven
Santa Clara County: | 0.04 / 10,000 popular. |
Country: | 0.04 / 10,000 pop. |
Number of convenience stores (no gas): 117
Here: | 0.68 / 10,000 popular. |
California: | 0.62 / 10,000 pop. |
Number of convenience stores (with gas): 239
This canton: | i.38 / 10,000 popular. |
State: | ane.49 / 10,000 pop. |
Number of full-service restaurants: 1,488
This county: | 8.59 / 10,000 pop. |
California: | 7.42 / 10,000 pop. |
Adult diabetes rate:
Santa Clara County: | 7.ane% |
California: | 7.3% |
Developed obesity rate:
Santa Clara Canton: | 19.0% |
California: | 21.3% |
Low-income preschool obesity rate:
Santa Clara Canton: | xvi.6% |
California: | 17.9% |
Wellness and Diet:
Healthy nutrition charge per unit:
This city: | 51.1% |
California: | 49.iv% |
Average overall health of teeth and gums:
San Jose: | 49.8% |
California: | 48.0% |
People feeling desperately nearly themselves:
This city: | 18.7% |
Country: | twenty.ii% |
People non drinking alcohol at all:
This city: | 12.9% |
State: | 11.two% |
Average hours sleeping at night:
San Jose: | six.8 |
California: | 6.8 |
Overweight people:
Here: | 28.8% |
California: | 31.5% |
General health condition:
San Jose: | 57.9% |
California: | 56.4% |
Average condition of hearing:
San Jose: | 82.2% |
California: | 80.9% |
More virtually Health and Nutrition of San Jose, CA Residents
Local government employment and payroll (March 2019) | |||||
Part | Full-time employees | Monthly full-time payroll | Average yearly full-time wage | Role-fourth dimension employees | Monthly part-time payroll |
Police force Protection - Officers | 1,072 | $seven,319,625 | $81,936 | 0 | $0 |
Firefighters | 655 | $3,974,615 | $72,817 | 0 | $0 |
Police - Other | 465 | $three,242,420 | $83,675 | 256 | $337,076 |
Streets and Highways | 407 | $2,770,412 | $81,683 | 44 | $98,286 |
Parks and Recreation | 392 | $two,418,126 | $74,024 | 732 | $1,137,440 |
Other and Unallocable | 376 | $two,165,102 | $69,099 | 45 | $86,897 |
Other Government Administration | 357 | $2,944,762 | $98,984 | 38 | $145,025 |
Natural Resource | 237 | $908,885 | $46,019 | 4 | $four,120 |
Fiscal Administration | 236 | $973,923 | $49,522 | 17 | $36,339 |
Local Libraries | 217 | $ane,318,010 | $72,885 | 337 | $534,704 |
Airports | 194 | $722,020 | $44,661 | 12 | $38,145 |
Water Supply | 129 | $i,014,152 | $94,340 | 0 | $0 |
Fire - Other | 115 | $one,060,678 | $110,679 | v | $9,438 |
Housing and Community Development (Local) | 115 | $930,774 | $97,124 | 8 | $2,245 |
Solid Waste Management | 113 | $434,045 | $46,093 | 0 | $0 |
Judicial and Legal | 78 | $916,116 | $140,941 | 3 | $4,140 |
Health | 31 | $155,646 | $60,250 | 36 | $165,429 |
Electric Power | 15 | $149,976 | $119,981 | one | $504 |
Totals for Government | 5,204 | $33,419,288 | $77,062 | 1,538 | $two,599,788 |
San Jose government finances - Expenditure in 2018 (per resident):
- Construction - Sewerage: $77,085,000 ($75.44)
Air Transportation: $32,072,000 ($31.39)
Housing and Community Development: $8,228,000 ($8.05)
- Current Operations - Police Protection: $260,787,000 ($255.22)
Sewerage: $165,737,000 ($162.20)
Local Fire Protection: $160,006,000 ($156.59)
Parks and Recreation: $136,037,000 ($133.14)
Solid Waste product Management: $115,965,000 ($113.49)
Central Staff Services: $93,117,000 ($91.13)
Air Transportation: $85,369,000 ($83.55)
Water Utilities: $40,582,000 ($39.72)
Protective Inspection and Regulation - Other: $35,379,000 ($34.62)
Libraries: $32,235,000 ($31.55)
Full general - Other: $27,682,000 ($27.09)
Regular Highways: $26,341,000 ($25.78)
Housing and Community Development: $23,651,000 ($23.xv)
Parking Facilities: $12,824,000 ($12.55)
Electric Utilities: $one,116,000 ($i.09)
Health - Other: $106,000 ($0.10)
- General - Interest on Debt: $206,907,000 ($202.49)
San Jose government finances - Revenue in 2018 (per resident):
- Charges - Sewerage: $248,150,000 ($242.86)
Air Transportation: $195,629,000 ($191.46)
Solid Waste matter Direction: $133,974,000 ($131.12)
Other: $84,602,000 ($82.lxxx)
Parks and Recreation: $50,627,000 ($49.55)
Housing and Community Evolution: $eighteen,285,000 ($17.89)
Parking Facilities: $xviii,048,000 ($17.66)
Regular Highways: $4,233,000 ($4.fourteen)
- Federal Intergovernmental - Other: $17,862,000 ($17.48)
Air Transportation: $10,096,000 ($9.88)
Housing and Community Development: $vii,675,000 ($7.51)
- Local Intergovernmental - Other: $4,543,000 ($four.45)
- Miscellaneous - General Acquirement - Other: $84,827,000 ($83.02)
Rents: $74,853,000 ($73.26)
Involvement Earnings: $39,590,000 ($38.75)
Sale of Belongings: $38,187,000 ($37.37)
Fines and Forfeits: $18,715,000 ($18.32)
Special Assessments: $7,074,000 ($6.92)
Donations From Individual Sources: $4,769,000 ($4.67)
- Acquirement - H2o Utilities: $48,450,000 ($47.42)
- State Intergovernmental - Other: $lx,657,000 ($59.36)
Highways: $21,304,000 ($twenty.85)
Public Welfare: $9,673,000 ($9.47)
Full general Local Government Back up: $v,662,000 ($five.54)
- Tax - Property: $340,865,000 ($333.59)
General Sales and Gross Receipts: $210,969,000 ($206.47)
Public Utilities Sales: $171,414,000 ($167.76)
Occupation and Business License - Other: $75,245,000 ($73.64)
Other License: $56,144,000 ($54.95)
Other Selective Sales: $48,851,000 ($47.81)
Documentary and Stock Transfer: $48,455,000 ($47.42)
Other: $42,606,000 ($41.lxx)
San Jose government finances - Debt in 2018 (per resident):
- Long Term Debt - Outstanding Unspecified Public Purpose: $2,649,977,000 ($2593.45)
Beginning Outstanding - Unspecified Public Purpose: $2,397,784,000 ($2346.64)
Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Industrial Acquirement: $958,534,000 ($938.09)
Retired Unspecified Public Purpose: $764,281,000 ($747.98)
Issue, Unspecified Public Purpose: $648,090,000 ($634.27)
Beginning Outstanding - Public Debt for Individual Purpose: $448,778,000 ($439.21)
San Jose government finances - Greenbacks and Securities in 2018 (per resident):
- Bond Funds - Greenbacks and Securities: $153,634,000 ($150.36)
- Other Funds - Cash and Securities: $1,322,446,000 ($1294.24)
- Sinking Funds - Cash and Securities: $556,849,000 ($544.97)
4.90% of this canton's 2016 resident taxpayers lived in other counties in 2015 ($120,507 average adjusted gross income)
Hither: | 4.xc% |
California average: | v.03% |
0.10% of residents moved from strange countries ($2,812 boilerplate AGI)
Santa Clara County: 0.10% California boilerplate: 0.07%
Top counties from which taxpayers relocated into this county between 2015 and 2016:
5.99% of this canton's 2015 resident taxpayers moved to other counties in 2016 ($165,761 average adjusted gross income)
Hither: | 5.99% |
California boilerplate: | 5.21% |
0.15% of residents moved to foreign countries ($4,832 average AGI)
Santa Clara Canton: 0.15% California average: 0.09%
Top counties to which taxpayers relocated from this county between 2015 and 2016:
Businesses in San Jose, CA | ||||
Name | Count | Proper noun | Count | |
24 Hour Fitness | vii | Johnny Rockets | 3 | |
seven-Xi | 48 | Jones New York | 8 | |
99 Cents Merely Stores | 1 | Journeys | ii | |
ALDO | 1 | Simply Tires | 1 | |
AT&T | fifteen | Justice | 4 | |
Ace Hardware | 3 | KFC | xv | |
Aeropostale | 2 | Kohl's | 2 | |
American Eagle Outfitters | 1 | Kroger | vii | |
Ann Taylor | ii | La Quinta | 1 | |
Apple Shop | 1 | La-Z-Male child | 1 | |
Applebee's | 2 | Lane Bryant | 1 | |
Arby's | iii | Lane Furniture | three | |
Audi | one | LensCrafters | 3 | |
AutoZone | 5 | Footling Caesars Pizza | ten | |
Avenue | 1 | Long John Silverish'southward | i | |
Baja Fresh Mexican Grill | 3 | Lowe's | 3 | |
Bakers | 2 | Macy's | 2 | |
Bally Total Fitness | three | Marriott | 4 | |
Barnes & Noble | 3 | Marshalls | 1 | |
Baskin-Robbins | 16 | MasterBrand Cabinets | 11 | |
Bath & Body Works | 3 | Mazda | 2 | |
Bed Bathroom & Beyond | 2 | McDonald's | 32 | |
Ben & Jerry's | 1 | Men'due south Wearhouse | 5 | |
Best Western | 2 | Motel half dozen | 4 | |
Big O Tires | ane | Motherhood Maternity | 5 | |
Blockbuster | ten | New Balance | x | |
Brooks Brothers | 1 | New York & Co | 2 | |
Brookstone | 1 | Nike | 37 | |
Budget Machine Rental | two | Nissan | ane | |
Burger Rex | 17 | Nordstrom | 3 | |
Burlington Glaze Manufacturing plant | 1 | Office Depot | 4 | |
Buybuy Babe | 1 | OfficeMax | 3 | |
CVS | 19 | Quondam Navy | iii | |
Carl\s Jr. | xv | Olive Garden | one | |
Casual Male XL | ii | Outback | i | |
Charlotte Russe | 2 | Outback Steakhouse | 1 | |
Chevrolet | 2 | Pac Lord's day | 2 | |
Chico's | i | Panda Limited | xi | |
Chipotle | five | Panera Bread | 3 | |
Chuck E. Cheese'south | 2 | Papa John'south Pizza | 3 | |
Cinnabon | 2 | Payless | 14 | |
Clarion | 2 | Penske | 3 | |
Common cold Stone Creamery | 3 | PetSmart | 2 | |
Comfort Inn | 1 | Pier 1 Imports | 2 | |
Comfort Suites | i | Pizza Hut | x | |
Costco | 3 | Plato's Closet | 1 | |
Crate & Butt | 1 | Popeyes | v | |
Curves | 9 | Quality | 1 | |
DHL | 13 | Quiznos | 11 | |
Dairy Queen | 2 | RadioShack | 13 | |
Days Inn | 2 | Ramada | 1 | |
Decora Cabinetry | 2 | Red Lobster | 2 | |
Dennys | 8 | Ruddy Robin | 2 | |
Discount Tire | ane | Rite Aid | nine | |
Domino's Pizza | eight | SAS Shoes | 5 | |
El Pollo Loco | seven | Safeway | 14 | |
Ethan Allen | 1 | Sears | x | |
Limited | 1 | Sephora | two | |
Extended Stay America | 2 | Sprint Nextel | five | |
Extended Stay Deluxe | 2 | Staples | 1 | |
Famous Footwear | 2 | Starbucks | 67 | |
FedEx | 117 | Subaru | ii | |
Finish Line | two | Subway | 59 | |
Firestone Complete Auto Intendance | 1 | Super eight | i | |
Human foot Locker | 1 | T-Mobile | 28 | |
Ford | 2 | T.J.Maxx | ii | |
Forever 21 | two | Taco Bong | 16 | |
Fredericks Of Hollywood | 2 | Target | 10 | |
GNC | 13 | The Cheesecake Manufactory | i | |
GameStop | 13 | The Room Identify | 3 | |
Gap | 1 | Torrid | 1 | |
Goodwill | one | Toyota | 2 | |
Gymboree | i | Toys"R"Us | 5 | |
H&1000 | 2 | Trader Joe's | 4 | |
H&R Block | 23 | U-Haul | 12 | |
Haagen-Dazs | ane | UPS | 88 | |
Hilton | v | Urban Outfitters | 1 | |
Vacation Inn | 5 | Vans | 19 | |
Hollister Co. | ii | Verizon Wireless | 7 | |
Dwelling Depot | 6 | Victoria'south Surreptitious | 2 | |
HomeTown Buffet | iii | Volkswagen | 2 | |
Homestead Studio Suites | 1 | Vons | 13 | |
Honda | 2 | Walgreens | xviii | |
Hot Topic | 2 | Walmart | two | |
Hyatt | 2 | Wendy's | half-dozen | |
IHOP | 1 | Whole Foods Market | i | |
JCPenney | 1 | YMCA | 4 | |
Jamba Juice | 20 | Z Gallerie | i | |
JoS. A. Banking concern | 1 |
Strongest AM radio stations in San Jose:
- KLOK (1170 AM; fifty kW; SAN JOSE, CA; Possessor: ENTRAVISION HOLDINGS, LLC)
- KZSF (1370 AM; 5 kW; SAN JOSE, CA; Possessor: CARLOS A. DUHARTE)
- KNBR (680 AM; 50 kW; SAN FRANCISCO, CA; Possessor: KNBR LICO, INC.)
- KFAX (1100 AM; l kW; SAN FRANCISCO, CA; Owner: Gold GATE Broadcasting CO, INC.)
- KSCO (1080 AM; 10 kW; SANTA CRUZ, CA)
Strongest FM radio stations in San Jose:
- KRTY (95.3 FM; LOS GATOS, CA; Owner: KRTY, LTD.)
- K238AC (95.5 FM; SALIDA, CA; Possessor: FAMILY STATIONS, INC.)
- KCNL (104.9 FM; SUNNYVALE, CA; Owner: CHASE RADIO Properties, L.L.C.)
Tv set broadcast stations around San Jose:
- KBIT-CA (Channel 28; SAN FRANCISCO, ETC., CA; Owner: POLAR Dissemination, INC.)
- KICU-Telly (Aqueduct 36; SAN JOSE, CA; Owner: KTVU PARTNERSHIP)
- KQED (Channel 9; SAN FRANCISCO, CA; Owner: KQED, INC.)
- KAXT-CA (Channel 22; SANTA CLARA-SAN JOSE, CA; Owner: LINDA Thousand. TRUMBLY)
- KNTV (Channel 11; SAN JOSE, CA; Possessor: KNTV LICENSE, INC.)
- National Bridge Inventory (NBI) Statistics
- 700Number of bridges
- 10,600ft / iii,231mTotal length
- $306,627,000Full costs
- 32,333,959Total average daily traffic
- 1,483,939Total average daily truck traffic
- 24,374,048Full hereafter (year 2034) average daily traffic
- New bridges - historical statistics
- 1 1900-1909
- vi 1910-1919
- fifteen 1920-1929
- 10 1930-1939
- 13 1940-1949
- 30 1950-1959
- 93 1960-1969
- 206 1970-1979
- 81 1980-1989
- 190 1990-1999
- 49 2000-2009
- 6 2010-2018
See full National Span Inventory statistics for San Jose, CA
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2009 (Based on 148 full and 42 fractional tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Buy Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < five Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | Chiliad) Loans On Manufactured Abode Abode (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 1,855 | $387,575 | 6,515 | $350,513 | 23,708 | $356,539 | 778 | $275,229 | 44 | $4,282,479 | 1,771 | $269,436 | 112 | $78,813 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT Accepted | 194 | $373,222 | 1,040 | $342,156 | 3,551 | $379,407 | 98 | $211,663 | 4 | $9,412,500 | 265 | $275,150 | 42 | $86,118 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 439 | $333,826 | one,631 | $299,098 | 6,178 | $397,476 | 337 | $161,940 | 13 | $one,705,312 | 767 | $268,783 | 268 | $74,477 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 321 | $354,407 | 999 | $339,274 | iii,616 | $378,759 | 174 | $202,756 | 7 | $708,864 | 368 | $263,385 | 12 | $103,229 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 76 | $332,990 | 239 | $317,613 | 1,274 | $387,895 | 60 | $226,282 | 0 | $0 | 97 | $280,081 | 20 | $91,600 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2008 (Based on 148 full and 42 fractional tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Buy Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Dwelling house Comeback Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | G) Loans On Manufactured Dwelling Dwelling (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 543 | $436,243 | 6,527 | $379,773 | xi,302 | $385,911 | 674 | $220,019 | 83 | $3,404,402 | 1,377 | $315,022 | 231 | $82,196 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED | 67 | $443,346 | 1,651 | $366,491 | 2,732 | $391,947 | 175 | $206,675 | ii | $one,963,000 | 299 | $317,178 | 278 | $93,652 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 193 | $385,598 | ii,419 | $360,511 | 6,377 | $421,395 | 715 | $218,404 | 21 | $715,031 | 744 | $342,995 | 424 | $93,071 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 124 | $420,052 | 1,334 | $368,387 | 2,669 | $414,844 | 280 | $241,974 | 13 | $iv,990,030 | 309 | $318,684 | 16 | $78,713 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 33 | $370,078 | 337 | $396,558 | 1,068 | $418,613 | 124 | $243,266 | ii | $507,500 | 106 | $343,230 | seven | $103,600 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2007 (Based on 148 full and 42 partial tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < v Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | Grand) Loans On Manufactured Habitation Dwelling (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 2 | $282,785 | 10,001 | $426,957 | xix,751 | $417,676 | one,908 | $300,785 | 141 | $iii,488,471 | 2,363 | $387,499 | 340 | $84,717 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not ACCEPTED | 1 | $187,470 | 2,963 | $406,672 | 5,151 | $413,251 | 489 | $300,059 | 5 | $ii,667,200 | 533 | $389,729 | 244 | $92,933 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 2 | $304,800 | 4,298 | $395,731 | x,691 | $447,523 | 1,276 | $256,878 | thirteen | $3,417,897 | 1,077 | $427,591 | 472 | $88,454 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 2 | $259,000 | 1,536 | $418,466 | iii,842 | $427,145 | 365 | $285,809 | 12 | $ane,773,130 | 409 | $400,276 | 44 | $99,944 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 0 | $0 | 479 | $415,911 | ane,523 | $436,241 | 143 | $310,065 | five | $1,630,144 | 99 | $388,255 | 2 | $51,000 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2006 (Based on 148 full and 42 fractional tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Buy Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | Eastward) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < v Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | Chiliad) Loans On Manufactured Dwelling house Dwelling (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 2 | $286,000 | xvi,618 | $397,625 | 23,733 | $410,418 | 3,004 | $315,534 | 114 | $1,715,334 | two,879 | $390,760 | 178 | $82,194 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not Accepted | one | $210,000 | iii,994 | $375,651 | 5,416 | $401,435 | 582 | $307,517 | seven | $five,535,000 | 642 | $383,871 | 200 | $80,572 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 0 | $0 | 6,324 | $380,938 | nine,951 | $427,767 | i,492 | $275,693 | 21 | $2,727,164 | i,114 | $418,213 | 328 | $86,515 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 1 | $553,500 | ii,671 | $390,016 | five,654 | $413,589 | 494 | $279,669 | 8 | $ane,989,380 | 541 | $377,974 | 34 | $160,734 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 0 | $0 | 610 | $382,084 | 1,697 | $402,240 | 156 | $313,715 | 3 | $529,333 | 148 | $381,812 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2005 (Based on 148 total and 42 partial tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Domicile Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | Eastward) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < five Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | G) Loans On Manufactured Domicile Home (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 2 | $282,500 | 21,027 | $395,683 | 29,028 | $391,757 | 2,992 | $325,468 | 161 | $2,109,870 | iii,538 | $366,915 | 227 | $90,200 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, Not Accepted | 0 | $0 | iv,170 | $360,180 | 5,369 | $378,181 | 422 | $272,761 | 7 | $812,534 | 576 | $348,537 | 318 | $90,502 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 4 | $134,000 | 6,994 | $366,583 | xi,353 | $396,285 | i,523 | $249,779 | 14 | $one,011,186 | 1,212 | $395,194 | 642 | $97,582 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | iii | $306,963 | 3,312 | $382,336 | 7,161 | $378,435 | 750 | $285,960 | xvi | $749,310 | 659 | $355,097 | 85 | $162,256 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 0 | $0 | 831 | $387,028 | 2,382 | $390,344 | 158 | $275,625 | 2 | $906,500 | 189 | $353,375 | 5 | $183,600 |
Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2004 (Based on 148 full and 42 partial tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Domicile Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Abode Buy Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Abode Comeback Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | 1000) Loans On Manufactured Home Dwelling (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 12 | $215,333 | 20,950 | $350,901 | 36,132 | $332,691 | 1,915 | $245,825 | 127 | $ane,578,287 | three,778 | $301,943 | 283 | $84,753 |
APPLICATIONS Canonical, Non ACCEPTED | 1 | $374,000 | 4,101 | $342,743 | 7,278 | $328,018 | 316 | $193,915 | 4 | $3,755,035 | 724 | $298,433 | 322 | $92,437 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 5 | $191,216 | five,489 | $329,621 | 11,194 | $339,431 | 1,202 | $189,114 | 11 | $1,255,491 | 1,239 | $306,836 | 583 | $90,671 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 3 | $196,667 | 3,041 | $326,745 | 8,100 | $326,211 | 445 | $203,516 | 18 | $708,286 | 521 | $310,719 | 52 | $94,145 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | one | $245,000 | 679 | $340,510 | two,150 | $335,594 | 99 | $205,282 | v | $475,224 | 201 | $314,264 | five | $90,804 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2003 (Based on 148 full and 42 partial tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Buy Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Abode Improvement Loans | East) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 24 | $166,929 | xvi,119 | $308,927 | 75,407 | $284,771 | 746 | $84,523 | 150 | $ane,420,527 | 6,161 | $245,372 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, NOT Accepted | xix | $76,963 | 2,656 | $296,847 | thirteen,729 | $294,141 | 259 | $82,496 | 4 | $1,489,505 | 1,064 | $253,433 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 10 | $120,543 | 3,578 | $264,982 | fourteen,043 | $305,474 | 575 | $64,748 | 17 | $iii,717,922 | one,323 | $275,505 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 6 | $218,282 | 1,851 | $300,953 | thirteen,107 | $276,050 | 182 | $94,475 | seven | $1,115,733 | 751 | $254,777 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | ii | $130,885 | 497 | $340,918 | iii,128 | $308,672 | 49 | $281,269 | 2 | $859,335 | 276 | $256,496 |
Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2002 (Based on 96 total and 29 partial tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Abode Buy Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For v+ Families | F) Not-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 66 | $141,310 | 10,960 | $304,320 | 43,731 | $292,207 | 611 | $71,332 | 78 | $2,227,431 | 3,243 | $245,872 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not Accustomed | 34 | $81,350 | ane,621 | $308,628 | vii,344 | $293,612 | 212 | $76,717 | half-dozen | $ii,249,000 | 504 | $246,804 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 10 | $129,123 | ane,908 | $268,018 | half dozen,179 | $294,696 | 443 | $55,436 | twenty | $one,364,044 | 541 | $277,139 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 12 | $171,300 | 1,225 | $286,205 | half-dozen,539 | $285,364 | 188 | $56,120 | eighteen | $1,928,760 | 313 | $265,917 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 0 | $0 | 413 | $305,018 | 2,098 | $299,772 | 18 | $55,519 | 1 | $ane,350,000 | 154 | $246,147 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2001 (Based on 96 total and 29 partial tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Domicile Improvement Loans | Due east) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 26 | $207,653 | vii,917 | $294,683 | 30,426 | $285,204 | 1,582 | $59,478 | 95 | $2,195,867 | 2,372 | $242,989 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, NOT ACCEPTED | 2 | $179,000 | one,508 | $274,642 | 4,798 | $279,516 | 320 | $seventy,003 | 4 | $749,578 | 354 | $243,955 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 8 | $203,625 | 1,953 | $240,178 | six,197 | $281,329 | 769 | $51,174 | 10 | $1,148,143 | 552 | $250,620 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 11 | $224,473 | 1,167 | $281,847 | v,164 | $265,320 | 307 | $59,550 | 13 | $ii,679,442 | 321 | $250,058 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 2 | $189,365 | 335 | $296,989 | 1,860 | $279,282 | 60 | $seventy,851 | 26 | $ii,705,749 | 119 | $237,474 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2000 (Based on 96 full and 29 partial tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Abode Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Domicile Improvement Loans | Eastward) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < v Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 60 | $189,633 | ten,707 | $281,673 | eight,211 | $225,253 | 1,844 | $53,542 | lxx | $1,125,989 | 1,264 | $231,578 |
APPLICATIONS Canonical, Non Accustomed | 8 | $124,663 | 1,799 | $246,121 | ane,475 | $202,636 | 457 | $57,674 | i | $839,800 | 166 | $219,666 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 19 | $161,409 | 2,577 | $236,445 | 3,050 | $216,912 | 679 | $55,897 | fourteen | $625,714 | 341 | $239,598 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 11 | $170,205 | ane,444 | $266,990 | 2,074 | $186,527 | 253 | $75,349 | viii | $4,063,400 | 157 | $206,359 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 5 | $184,800 | 429 | $263,782 | one,639 | $219,840 | 66 | $58,545 | 13 | $four,310,604 | lxxx | $218,682 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 1999 (Based on 124 full and 42 fractional tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Dwelling house Buy Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Dwelling house Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 289 | $163,503 | 17,848 | $227,409 | 22,188 | $200,109 | 2,411 | $35,667 | 129 | $1,366,960 | two,534 | $175,993 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Non ACCEPTED | 22 | $161,790 | 2,740 | $225,888 | 4,608 | $189,608 | 573 | $36,673 | xiii | $i,250,672 | 387 | $173,255 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 39 | $168,032 | 3,839 | $194,495 | 6,302 | $185,923 | 1,071 | $35,357 | 26 | $639,558 | 615 | $171,400 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 29 | $128,614 | two,676 | $214,348 | five,695 | $179,277 | 199 | $49,869 | viii | $608,153 | 398 | $176,576 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | viii | $151,465 | 782 | $232,705 | two,858 | $182,185 | 44 | $51,249 | 27 | $i,757,704 | 146 | $165,743 |
Detailed mortgage information for all 187 tracts in San Jose, CA
Private Mortgage Insurance Companies Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009 (Based on 141 full and 32 partial tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 585 | $352,482 | 110 | $398,840 | 1 | $165,000 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, NOT ACCEPTED | 313 | $364,160 | 88 | $438,897 | 1 | $392,000 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 126 | $357,323 | 66 | $457,894 | 0 | $0 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 55 | $361,653 | 29 | $383,790 | 0 | $0 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 31 | $430,072 | three | $273,377 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2008 (Based on 143 full and 37 fractional tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 968 | $397,350 | 154 | $423,991 | 14 | $368,004 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, NOT Accepted | 317 | $401,977 | 206 | $452,476 | nine | $333,580 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 184 | $403,080 | 62 | $448,936 | 32 | $397,613 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 90 | $403,300 | 31 | $446,823 | 7 | $412,714 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 14 | $420,394 | 13 | $511,053 | 5 | $628,344 |
Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2007 (Based on 128 full and 30 partial tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < five Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 275 | $482,424 | 227 | $512,197 | 19 | $399,322 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED | 49 | $513,755 | 88 | $548,698 | 1 | $500,000 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 15 | $598,998 | 42 | $607,241 | six | $609,055 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 21 | $473,585 | 33 | $589,951 | ii | $917,585 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 0 | $0 | 8 | $640,845 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2006 (Based on 106 total and 26 partial tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Buy Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Not-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 136 | $518,559 | 121 | $520,574 | 5 | $435,328 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not ACCEPTED | 31 | $498,099 | 33 | $487,028 | ii | $317,475 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 3 | $615,937 | 14 | $576,839 | 2 | $435,000 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | half-dozen | $443,982 | fourteen | $551,334 | 1 | $615,000 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 0 | $0 | ane | $601,160 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2005 (Based on 119 full and 26 partial tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Not-occupant Loans on < five Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 173 | $432,806 | 186 | $431,466 | eleven | $304,626 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT Accustomed | 32 | $405,125 | 70 | $394,482 | 6 | $320,705 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 2 | $510,500 | 15 | $528,423 | 0 | $0 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 13 | $450,938 | 28 | $409,979 | ane | $617,000 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 5 | $607,800 | ii | $494,000 | ane | $693,000 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2004 (Based on 132 full and 34 partial tracts) | ||||||||
A) Conventional Abode Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Not-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | D) Loans On Manufactured Dwelling house Dwelling (A & B) | |||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 234 | $377,436 | 307 | $372,996 | 12 | $254,129 | 0 | $0 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT Accustomed | 83 | $349,921 | 121 | $342,434 | 14 | $349,963 | two | $223,930 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 4 | $470,668 | 10 | $446,397 | 1 | $616,000 | 0 | $0 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 15 | $377,969 | 22 | $339,378 | i | $252,000 | 0 | $0 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 3 | $510,620 | 4 | $451,353 | 0 | $0 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2003 (Based on 139 full and 35 partial tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Buy Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 454 | $318,490 | 451 | $326,259 | 23 | $280,337 |
APPLICATIONS Canonical, Not ACCEPTED | 127 | $338,631 | 243 | $334,086 | nine | $308,611 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 11 | $352,060 | 10 | $344,281 | 3 | $300,580 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 17 | $313,300 | 51 | $333,504 | 4 | $370,510 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 3 | $254,217 | iv | $377,750 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2002 (Based on 93 full and 29 partial tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 555 | $319,926 | 231 | $328,716 | 18 | $283,271 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED | 193 | $342,531 | 151 | $341,022 | 8 | $245,673 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 17 | $370,717 | 17 | $376,982 | 2 | $406,935 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 35 | $353,557 | xix | $328,941 | 5 | $341,320 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | half-dozen | $410,827 | iii | $257,000 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2001 (Based on 95 full and 29 partial tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Dwelling Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 691 | $324,645 | 140 | $316,674 | 21 | $259,999 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, NOT ACCEPTED | 172 | $324,218 | 58 | $299,343 | 10 | $225,639 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 34 | $293,216 | 12 | $326,166 | 3 | $299,507 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 21 | $365,143 | 19 | $321,673 | 0 | $0 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 4 | $409,143 | three | $285,000 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2000 (Based on 96 total and 28 fractional tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Habitation Buy Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | one,136 | $279,907 | 307 | $247,859 | 37 | $201,495 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED | 279 | $275,755 | 52 | $243,230 | 13 | $210,585 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 79 | $297,912 | 13 | $292,408 | 4 | $238,750 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 39 | $268,791 | 11 | $272,541 | 3 | $289,667 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 10 | $293,592 | 0 | $0 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 1999 (Based on 122 full and 41 partial tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Habitation Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 2,625 | $237,180 | 516 | $212,526 | 44 | $201,138 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not Accustomed | 314 | $236,717 | 229 | $212,050 | 17 | $188,898 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 153 | $254,563 | 53 | $231,069 | 7 | $189,989 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 124 | $227,593 | 63 | $214,600 | half dozen | $218,140 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 35 | $229,131 | xi | $186,002 | 1 | $156,000 |
2007 - 2017 National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) incidents
Run into full National Burn down Incident Reporting Organisation statistics for San Jose, CABurn down-condom hotels and motels in San Jose, California:
- The Domain Hotel, 1085 Due east El Camino Real, San Jose, California 94087 , Phone: (408) 247-0800, Fax: (408) 984-7120
- Travelodge San Jose Sports Loonshit, 1041 The Alameda, San Jose, California 95126 , Phone: (408) 295-0159, Fax: (408) 998-5509
- Executive Inn San Jose, 3930 Monterey Rd, San Jose, California 95111 , Phone: (408) 281-8700, Fax: (408) 578-6799
- San Jose Aerodrome Garden Hotel, 1740 North Get-go St, San Jose, California 95112 , Phone: (408) 793-3300, Fax: (408) 453-0256
- Staybridge Suites San Jose, 1602 Crane Ct, San Jose, California 95112 , Phone: (408) 436-1600, Fax: (408) 436-1075
- Doubletree Hotel San Jose, 2050 Gateway Pl, San Jose, California 95110 , Phone: (408) 453-4000, Fax: (408) 437-2898
- Homewood Suites By Hilton, 10 W Trimbel Rd, San Jose, California 95131 , Phone: (408) 428-9900, Fax: (408) 428-0222
- The Westin San Jose, 302 S Market St, San Jose, California 95113 , Telephone: (408) 295-2000, Fax: (408) 977-0403
- xl other hotels and motels
Most mutual first names in San Jose, CA among deceased individuals | ||
Name | Count | Lived (average) |
Mary | 2,835 | 79.7 years |
John | ii,746 | 73.0 years |
William | 2,001 | 73.6 years |
Robert | ane,859 | 68.2 years |
James | i,609 | 69.9 years |
Joseph | one,587 | 75.8 years |
Frank | 1,406 | 75.4 years |
George | 1,341 | 75.iii years |
Charles | ane,234 | 74.1 years |
Helen | one,111 | 80.1 years |
Most mutual terminal names in San Jose, CA amid deceased individuals | ||
Concluding name | Count | Lived (boilerplate) |
Nguyen | 797 | 74.0 years |
Smith | 778 | 74.0 years |
Johnson | 606 | 74.8 years |
Garcia | 502 | 71.0 years |
Dark-brown | 461 | 74.seven years |
Williams | 433 | 73.7 years |
Martinez | 425 | 71.3 years |
Miller | 417 | 75.0 years |
Jones | 398 | 71.8 years |
Anderson | 387 | 75.two years |
San Jose compared to California country average:
- Median business firm value above state average.
- Unemployed pct significantly below state average.
- Black race population percentage below state average.
- Foreign-born population percent above state boilerplate.
- Percentage of population with a bachelor'south degree or higher higher up state boilerplate.
San Jose on our top lists:
- #ix on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest city-information.com criminal offense index increase from 2011 to 2012 (population 50,000+)"
- #xi on the list of "Superlative 101 cities with largest pct of females in occupations: architecture and engineering occupations (population l,000+)"
- #14 on the list of "Top 101 biggest cities in 2013"
- #14 on the listing of "Height 100 biggest cities"
- #19 on the list of "Summit 101 cities with the virtually residents born in Vietnam (population 500+)"
- #23 on the listing of "Summit 101 cities with the most cars per house, population fifty,000+"
- #25 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest urban center-data.com criminal offense index increase from 2002 to 2012 (population 50,000+)"
- #29 on the list of "Top 101 cities with largest percentage of males in occupations: architecture and technology occupations (population fifty,000+)"
- #32 on the list of "Elevation 101 cities with the highest number of auto thefts per 100,000 residents, excludes tourist destinations and others with a lot of outsiders visiting based on city industries data (population 50,000+)"
- #38 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the about residents born in Born at sea (population 500+)"
- #41 on the list of "Acme 101 cities with largest percentage of females in industries: manufacturing (population 50,000+)"
- #47 on the listing of "Top 101 cities with the highest number of days articulate of clouds (population 50,000+)"
- #47 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the lowest number of days clear of clouds (population l,000+)"
- #fifty on the listing of "Top 100 cities with highest percentage of foreign-built-in residents (pop. 50,000+)"
- #51 on the list of "Top 100 cities with highest median house value (pop. 50,000+)"
- #52 on the list of "Acme 101 cities with the highest average sunshine amount (population l,000+)"
- #64 on the listing of "Superlative 101 cities with the largest racial income disparity between whatever two races with at to the lowest degree 2,000 householders"
- #69 on the listing of "Meridian 100 cities with largest land areas (pop. 50,000+)"
- #71 on the list of "Acme 100 cities with highest ratio of median house value to median household income (popular. 50,000+)"
- #73 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest maximum monthly sunshine corporeality (population 50,000+)"
- #36 (95054) on the listing of "Top 101 zip codes with the almost Internet business organisation establishments in 2005"
- #53 (95116) on the list of "Peak 101 zip codes with the largest per centum of Portuguese first ancestries"
- #65 (94089) on the list of "Pinnacle 101 zip codes with the nigh big companies in 2005 (at least 1000 employees)"
- #lxx (95113) on the list of "Top 101 naught codes with the well-nigh offices of lawyers in 2005"
- #71 (95134) on the list of "Top 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of returns reporting salary or wage in 2012 (popular five,000+)"
- #88 (95113) on the list of "Top 101 aught codes with the most museums in 2005"
- #90 (95120) on the listing of "Elevation 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of taxpayers reporting net capital letter gain/loss in 2012 (pop 5,000+)"
- #98 (95113) on the listing of "Pinnacle 101 nix codes with the largest percentage of Subsaharan African starting time ancestries"
- #101 (95120) on the listing of "Meridian 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of taxpayers reporting taxable involvement in 2012 (pop five,000+)"
- #5 on the listing of "Top 101 counties with the highest percent of residents that visited a dentist within the past year"
- #ix on the list of "Acme 101 counties with the lowest percentage of residents that smoked 100+ cigarettes in their lives"
- #xvi on the list of "Top 101 counties with the most Other adherents"
- #16 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the nearly Catholic adherents"
- #17 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the highest percentage of residents that drank alcohol in the past 30 days"
Top Patent Applicants
Total of 68791 patent applications in 2008-2022.
Source: https://www.city-data.com/city/San-Jose-California.html
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